The hall light slowly goes out, the curtain releases the stage and all eyes right on the prima ballerina standing in the spotlight. Gracility, elegance and lightness not only describe this classical and outstanding art, but also the new, mouth-blown product line "GRAZILE" by CRISTALLO. In order for us to put this in the well-deserved spotlight, a very special packaging was needed.
About the customer
CRISTALLO stands for innovative glass and bottle design, exactly according to the customer’s wishes, as well as for extraordinary packaging. The personal consultation starts with the idea and ends with a unique end product. All this is possible even for a very small number of pieces, which has contributed to the success of the company from southern Styria.
The challenge
The challenge for this project was to present two high-quality glasses in a very noble, but at the same time safe packaging. This was to function both in a direct conversation and as a classic mailing, and its deliberate simplicity was to put the products stylishly in the spotlight.
The spotlight should be on the new, mouth-blown glasses “GRAZILE” from CRISTALLO. Due to the versatile use of this mailing, it is important to develop a packaging that both shows the products to their best advantage and ensures their safety during transport.
Client: | CRISTALLO |
Services: | advice, design |
Link: | |
Year: | 2019 |
Both the gastronomy and the ballet just described were largely faced with closed doors in 2020. However, this is by no means a time to bury one’s head in the sand. Rather, the foundation for innovations can be laid now. This is precisely where the packaging for the mailing of the new “GRAZILE” product line is to follow. For the first time in a long while, many restaurateurs have the time to think about their interior design or inventory. When thinking about possible new acquisitions, the new, high-quality glasses from CRISTALLO should play a role. Based on these considerations, we designed a packaging which is convincing both in a sales talk and as a classic mailing. For the presentation of the glasses, we opted for simple elegance. Two glasses, one packaging – one experience.